
Store Closed Effective 5/7/2023

Thank you everyone for all of your support over the last few years. We've delayed making this announcement for a while, but we have made the decision to close the business.

Love & Lightning Candle Co. was born in part to the COVID-19 pandemic, but it is time for us to embark on a new adventure.

A few months ago, Cody accepted a new role as a Center Director, working in the plasma industry - a career that he is deeply passionate about, helping to collect life-saving plasma for people all over the world.

As sad as we are to close this chapter in our lives, we are exponentially more excited for what is to come and know that this is the right decision for us.

We are so thankful and grateful to everyone we've had the pleasure of meeting and re-connecting with throughout this amazing journey and will always be proud of what we created here together.

Love & Lightning,
Cody & Tyler